When Alex first began behavioral therapy, the primary goal
was to teach him to deal with his anxiety and aggression. However, as he has
learned to manage these issues, his behavioral therapist has shifted the focus
to helping him improve his social skills, a common difficulty for people with
autism. To teach him appropriate ways to interact with others, we practice at
home by discussing how he should behave and by using social stories so that he
knows what he should and should not do. Moreover, we give him opportunities to
practice what he’s learned by taking him to public places, such as restaurants,
stores, and concerts. During these outings, we have been pleased that Alex
demonstrates that he has learned well the lessons his social stories have taught.
On the other hand, I have been astounded by the rudeness of some of the people
we encounter out in public. While my temptation has been to say, “My son has
autism, what’s your excuse?” I realize that they have not had the benefit of
therapy that has taught him to interact appropriately. Consequently, I’d like
to share some of the social skills lessons for those who could benefit from
what Alex’s behavioral therapist calls “Making Good Choices.”
Because Alex can become anxious and overwhelmed in certain
situations, he needed to learn techniques to help calm him so that he doesn’t
have meltdowns. He can listen to music, do deep breathing exercises, and/or
count to ten in various languages (English, Spanish, French, German, and
Turkish) to help him settle down. Although he may need to be reminded about
these techniques when he’s upset, Alex can use them effectively to manage his
anxiety. Last week, we encountered someone who could also benefit from these
calm down skills when we were going with Alex’s behavioral therapist, Jennifer,
for our weekly outing to practice social skills. As we approached the fast food
restaurant where we were headed, I saw a fire truck and ambulance with flashing
lights blocking our path and knew we would have to take an alternate route.
Apparently, my action angered another driver who didn’t see why I had to turn,
and I could tell from his facial expressions and from my limited lip reading
skills that he wasn’t happy with me. To make sure I knew he was upset, he gave
me the middle finger gesture. As Jennifer observed, “He wasn’t very friendly,
was he?” While I put calm down skills to use so that I didn’t return any
hostility, I realized that rude man should have been using his fingers to count
instead of to insult me. Certainly, he needed some calm down skills so that he
could make better choices.
We have worked with Alex to use polite phrases, such as,
“Please,” “Thank you,” “You’re welcome,” and “Excuse me,” and he is still
mastering saying them at the appropriate times and saying them loudly enough to
be heard. However, I’ve noticed that many people who cannot use autism as an
excuse also seem to have not mastered these skills. For example, we have practiced
with Alex the scenario of saying “Thank you” when someone holds a door open for
him, but I have found that some people seem to forget their manners when I’ve
held doors open for them and say nothing to me. In addition, we’ve taught Alex
to get out of people’s way when we’re in grocery store aisles or waiting in
line, but I’m amazed by the people who stroll along, seemingly oblivious or
even not caring that they are in someone else’s way. Also, Alex has learned by
playing board games to wait his turn and to be ready when it is his turn so
that he doesn’t make others wait. Sadly, some adults apparently have not
learned this courtesy lesson, as I discovered in Panera Bread the other night
when a couple held up the entire line, taking their sweet time to decide what
they wanted and then taking unnecessary time to pay for their food, never once
apologizing for their rude actions. Without a doubt, these types of inconsiderate
people need to use their manners.
While Alex still struggles with making eye contact, a common
issue found in people with autism, at times he finds something or someone
interesting enough that causes him to cast a lingering look. Often, he may find
someone’s voice engaging, or he may find children’s behavior amusing, and he
watches them in delight. However, we remind him that staring is not polite.
Apparently, not all parents teach their children this lesson. The other day,
Alex, Jennifer, and I were at Burger King for our Friday social skills outing,
and Alex had decided that he wanted to order his food himself. As he struggled
a bit to order, the cashier was very sweet and patient with him, but I noticed
two teenage girls staring at him and smirking. While my motherly protective
instinctive reactions ranged from wanting to smack them to saying
sarcastically, “Take a picture, it lasts longer!” to wanting to explain that he
has autism, I realized that nothing I could say or do would teach these mean
girls a lesson. Fortunately, Alex was oblivious to their rude behavior because
he was so busy trying to use his manners. Following his lead, I used my calm
down skills and my manners, and I didn’t stare back at them. As much as their
behavior was hurtful, I could also feel sorry for them because unlike Alex,
they either had not had loving people teach them how to act appropriately, or
they were not working as hard as he is at using social skills. Not only am I thankful
that Alex is trying to make good choices, but also that he never seems to
notice those around him who fail to make those good choices. Despite the
obstacles autism has put before him, he keeps striving to become a better
person, and that good choice makes us proud.
“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the
right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” Galatians