Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I've mentioned in previous blog posts about how Alex finds joy in simple things. This week, he discovered some new things that made him especially happy. The first is a You Tube video Ed found called "Guy Walks Across America," which pretty much describes what the video entails. A guy starts at the Brooklyn Bridge in New York and walks in extremely fast forward motion across the United States until he reaches San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge in California. We're not sure if Alex likes the video visuals that feature Chicago's "Bean" in Millennium Park and the Presidential profiles at Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, among others, or if he really enjoys the background song, "Home." Nonetheless, he continually flashes a huge smile as he watches it while bouncing around on the couch, except when he sees me watching him and acts embarrassed to be so enthusiastic. Then he calmly watches the video, waits for me to leave, and then starts swaying to the music again (as I furtively watch him from another room). Here's the video that has captured Alex's attention, even after watching it dozens of times.

The other night, I was able to get a similar response from Alex which surprised and pleased me. Listening to the '70s cable channel on Music Choice, I heard the old Climax Blues Band song, "Couldn't Get It Right," which I couldn't get out of my head. When Alex heard me singing [or more correctly, attempting to sing] the song, he smiled and swayed, as he had with the "Guy Walks Across America" video he'd been watching repeatedly. As I tried to imitate the deep voice of the lead singer, this tickled Alex even more, who seemed to enjoy my very amateur version of this song, whose video is posted here.

While many teenagers continually whine about being bored, Alex rarely complains and is easily entertained, so long as he has his computer and/or some music to listen to. Despite the challenges autism imposes on his life, Alex finds bliss in the world around him, making his life and ours truly blessed.

"The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust Him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving." Psalm 28:7


K. C. Wells said...

With all of the negativity in the world, what a lovely quality for Alex to have. :) And I would love to have heard your version of the song...which is now stuck in my head. LOL

Pam Byrne said...

Trust me, K.C.--you don't ever want to hear me sing, even catchy tunes like "Couldn't Get It Right," mainly because I literally couldn't get it right! My mom tells me that I have many talents, but singing isn't one of them; she is absolutely right. ;)